Hire a Web Site Copywriter Who Knows SEO—Or Lose Money

If your company Web site doesn’t show up on the first page or two of Google, you’re losing money.

With the Internet saturated with businesses battling for clients, persuasive site copy isn’t enough. A copywriter needs to know principles of search engine optimization (SEO) and work closely with Webmasters and graphic designers. Content throughout your site must consistently employ the keywords that best describe your product or service or else your clients will never find you.

A client of mine requested a site refresh. After noting that searches using industry-standard keywords placed the site five or six pages deep on Google, I outlined proven SEO strategies to boost his page rank without resorting to buying placement. By optimizing all site content, the updated site landed consistently on the front page of Google.

It’s no longer enough to have a Web site. Without top placement in search engine results, your site might as well not exist. Your customers know what they are searching for. Ensure they find it at your site and not your competitors’ by hiring a writer who knows SEO.